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Showing posts from 2018

the small circle

despite of having hardship thru my 3 years journey im hoping for better ending for my result for the usrah thingy srs talk, it wasnt fair if they still failed me down i went to usrah in rushing after kursus kahwin i joined every usrah programmes and what i got f.a.i.l.e.d what the SOP thingy tht youve followed? you guys made the students failed and asked for repetition and in the same time yguys said "students are responsible for every thing they had done" even twas not our fault we went to usrah we joined everything every friday we even attend the ceramah-sokseksoksek we even sat for the exam and you-- easily failed us. haih. may we, still have the amanah in ourselves to do every deed that was carried on our shoulders p/s : do pray for my usrah result, i do tawakal, but i do need duas too :)


i kept asking is it my fault or your fault? im in dillema in letting the feelings away --walking away from you it is such a difficult thing ive ever going thru in my whole life despite of everything happened & everything ive done in thought of you'll appreciate me sadly i was wrong my fault. for letting my feelings went over you. i shouldnt do that. i shouldnt. im keeping my feelings inside --the pieces -- the broken --- the me it's okay im okay now even youre still appearing but im okay and better even im no longing let the feelings cuddling me wrapping me like they used to be. i let you go. i am.